Verified soil health data for effective farm
and supply-chain performance

What is soil health?

Soil health is the foundation of farm efficiency, sustainability and regenerative agriculture programmes.

What is its impact for Farmers and sustainability programmes?

Well managed soil will:

  • Improve yields for farmers and increase profitability
  • Build soil carbon and enhance soil biodiversity
  • Protect local water quality

Our soil health programmes are fully ISO accredited

What is a healthy soil?

There are five main factors that impact the health of the soil and influence grass/crop growth and how it functions from a drainage perspective. The five factors are:

Soil structure

Soil chemistry

Organic matter content

Soil biology

Water infiltration

Retention and movement through the profile

Digitised approach

Soil nutrient sampling

FARMEYE design, implement and accredit scope 3 soil health programmes through our MRV platform. Our soil nutrient sampling process uses a unique technology stack to create a very high level of traceability from the soil to the laboratory to the farmer. Our digitised approach also helps the farmer to better manage and interpret their data. Each farmer’s data can be pooled for the overall programme. The technology used is a combination of GNSS tracking on a mobile device, barcoding for sample tracking and API integration with approved laboratories. Once complete, all data from the field and laboratory syncs back to the FARMEYE platform and onto the live mapping system.

The Basics of Soil Fertility

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